Interesting article but misleading. I am the person you're writing about that created the app prior to them putting it out for quote, and prior to them initiating an app based program. If you would have asked for comments (which you didn't) you would have learned that I actually reached out to them prior to any of their development. I still have the emails and phone messages that show that. I had 3 different meetings at their Salem office, including one with Mr. Melcher. There actually was an app prior to theirs that worked (which was demonstrated on an actual phone to them), The app included a zone locater that was GPS based so you didn't have to look up and guess where you were on a river which would have allowed them in real time to track catch reporting to be able to better balance their resources and track real time catches from the bank. One sided reporting with false assumptions. Seems that what the press does these days.

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